Improving Balance

Improve Balance – Prevent Injury Proprioception is walking up a flight of stairs without having to peer at each stair or hiking without constantly having to look at the ground.  Proprioception includes balance, coordination, and agility because the body’s proprioceptors control all of these factors.  Simply put, it is to know where a body part…

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Inefficient Core

LOW BACK PAIN and an INEFFICIENT CORE Researchers have found that individuals with chronic low back pain (85% of U.S. adults) have decreased activation of certain muscles including tranversus abdominis, internal obliques, pelvic floor muscles, multifidus, diaphragm, and deep erector spinae. Performing traditional abdominal exercises without proper lumbo-pelvic-hip stabilization has been shown to increase pressure…

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Exercise and the Brain

Research shows exercise does more than build muscles and help prevent heart disease. New science shows that it also boosts brainpower! Aerobic exercise helps the heart pump more blood to the brain, along with the rest of the body.  More blood means more oxygen, and thus better-nourished brain cells. For the first time, scientists have…

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